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It's the love of Jesus that compels us to become and allows us to be Women of More. In Him and through him we live with more grace, more forgiveness, more insight, more faith and more freedom...

"Woman of More"
The Women Jesus Loved

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Woman of More: The Women Jesus loved. 

What is a Woman of More?

It’s simple, yet so profound. Her life shows the God of More.

She is a…

1. Bearer of Life

2. Colaborer with Christ in the establishment of the home

3. Proclaimer of the message of Resurrection and the Word of God

4. One who protects God's dreams and purposes

5. One who births God's promise

6. One who exhibits the living presence of the Holy Spirit

7. One that is fruitful, like a living Tree, bearing good fruit

Through this Course, we will study the lives of 7 Women of more and learn 


  1. When patience is planted, it harvests joy. 

  2. When trust is planted, it harvests kindness. 

  3. When self-control is planted, it harvests gentleness.

  4. When grace is planted, it harvests goodness. 

  5. When faith is planted, it harvests peace. 

  6. When freedom is planted, it harvests faithfulness. 

  7. When forgiveness is planted, it harvests love.

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Your Instructor
Veronica Rodriguez

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There is no space for half-truths in God’s kingdom or in our lives if we are filled with THE TRUTH. 

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DNA of a Godly Woman

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DNA of a Godly Woman: The traits Woman are made of.   There is no space for half-truths in God’s kingdom or in our lives if we are filled with THE TRUTH.

We all do. Yes, listen beautiful woman, you are not the only one. We all do. We’ve all made half-truth’s part of our DNA. What we fail to realize is that half-truths are our adversary’s language and his favorite trait to use on us. God words says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge “My people perish because they embrace half-truths. Embracing half-truths corrupts our DNA and for women it is destructive. The enemy has spoken to us women two very specific half-truths:

1. That we are different, so we must stand divided, in our uniqueness and in our own power.
And many of us embracing this half-truth do, we stand up and are fueled, more like fooled by the words of the anthem “All the women that are independent, throw your hands up out here” (or something like that) We throw up arms, more like we throw up barriers and keep at a distance the same women God designed for us to be united to for his purposes.

2. That we are very similar, so they don’t need me.
And many of us, embracing this half-truth do, we shrink to fit and delegate to others what we know God is calling us to do, drowning his design with conformity and apathy, leaving us deserted and distraught.

“Without the revelation of our Designer, we are destined to rely on distortion”

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Your Instructor
Veronica Rodriguez

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The Renewed Woman:
A New Mind, A New Heart & A New Life.

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The Renewed Woman Video Sessions 

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The Renewed Woman:A New Mind, A New Heart & A New Life.

During this 5 Session Course, we will discover how to live a life of victory from a place of Renewal.

As Renewed women, living this new life, with a new heart and a mind renewed by an inward reformation, because we have a relationship that is sustained by deep communion and staying firmly rooted in Jesus.

We will follow the lives of 3 women that received a new mind, a new heart and a new life through the amazing Power of Jesus Christ.

The message of their life, will help us answer questions we struggle with within our own lives:

1. Do we know what we receive as the Renewed?
2. Do we really believe we are Renewed?
3. Are we actively living Renewed? 

Our hope, expectation and prayer is that you see your life transformed and become with them, one that can say; I am no longer the same, the old has passed, right here and right now, I am made new. Like her... I am Renewed.

You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of copyrighted material without the prior written permission from We of More, Inc.

Please read carefully:
Digital Product License | Terms & Conditions

Your Instructor
Veronica Rodriguez

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Godfidence: The Key to unleashing your life's calling

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Godfidence Video Sessions

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Godfidence: The Key to unleashing your life's calling

Through this 3 Session Course we will learn:
• What Confidence Is & What it is NOT

• Confidence Companions and Confidence Crooks
• Growing in Godfidence by Cultivating Confidence

We are believing for Godfidence to be unleashed so we can walk empowered by the Holy Spirit, our life's calling to partner with God in establishing his Kingdom!!!

You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of copyrighted material without the prior written permission from We of More, Inc.

Please read carefully:

Digital Product License | Terms & Conditions

Your Instructor
Veronica Rodriguez

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